Dean Downey Is Dead, Part 2
52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks
Week Thirteen:
"In the News." Have you used newspapers in
your research?
Border is Hushed as Requiem Mass for Late Priest is
Thousands Seek Entry to Church For Rites; People of Many Faiths Join in Honoring Beloved at Services.
Dr. Fallon in Beautiful Oration, Pays Highest Tribute; Says Priest “Another Christ,” His Power Greatest Among Humans
by Howard J. Pray
While business in the Border Cities was practically at a standstill and all courts were adjourned, the Border Cities paid their las tribute to the Rev. D. J. Downey, pastor of St. Alphonsus Church. Funeral services were held at 10 o’clock at St. Alphonsus Church for the dead priest. Thousands attempted to gain entrance to the church and were kept back by city police, while men prominent in public and business life in the Border Cities and members of many different faiths attended in the capacity of honorary pallbearers.
High Tribute by Bishop
No higher tribute could be paid by a bishop to one of his priests than that paid to the late Dean Downey by the Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London, and for 16 years an intimate friend of the dead priest. Bishop Fallon sung the Solemn Requiem Mass and preached a beautiful oration over the body of one who had been all that a priest could be, a loyal and devout cleric, and a leading citizen, always ready to assist those in need, no matter who they might be nor what difficulty they faced.
Bishop Fallon preceded his remarks concerning Dean Downey with an explanation of the Catholic priesthood, stressing the point that the priest is another Christ and that his power is greater than that of any other human being.
Thousands Seek Entry to Church For Rites; People of Many Faiths Join in Honoring Beloved at Services.
Dr. Fallon in Beautiful Oration, Pays Highest Tribute; Says Priest “Another Christ,” His Power Greatest Among Humans
by Howard J. Pray
While business in the Border Cities was practically at a standstill and all courts were adjourned, the Border Cities paid their las tribute to the Rev. D. J. Downey, pastor of St. Alphonsus Church. Funeral services were held at 10 o’clock at St. Alphonsus Church for the dead priest. Thousands attempted to gain entrance to the church and were kept back by city police, while men prominent in public and business life in the Border Cities and members of many different faiths attended in the capacity of honorary pallbearers.
High Tribute by Bishop
No higher tribute could be paid by a bishop to one of his priests than that paid to the late Dean Downey by the Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London, and for 16 years an intimate friend of the dead priest. Bishop Fallon sung the Solemn Requiem Mass and preached a beautiful oration over the body of one who had been all that a priest could be, a loyal and devout cleric, and a leading citizen, always ready to assist those in need, no matter who they might be nor what difficulty they faced.
Bishop Fallon preceded his remarks concerning Dean Downey with an explanation of the Catholic priesthood, stressing the point that the priest is another Christ and that his power is greater than that of any other human being.
His Hardest Task
Frequently during the time in which he related his long years of friendship with Dean Downey, Bishop Fallon was forced to stop for a few seconds to overcome the emotion which threatened to overcome him. The task of preaching the funeral oration was the hardest he had ever undertaken in his life, with the possible exception of attending the obsequies of members of his immediate family, Bishop Fallon declared at the outset.
His Lordship began his oration by quoting a portion of the Epistle of St. Paul, which he read during the Mass. Startling to those unacquainted with the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding its priesthood were the remarks of Bishop Fallon. No other person has the three-fold power of creation, redemption and sanctification which the priest possesses, Bishop Fallon declared.
Frequently during the time in which he related his long years of friendship with Dean Downey, Bishop Fallon was forced to stop for a few seconds to overcome the emotion which threatened to overcome him. The task of preaching the funeral oration was the hardest he had ever undertaken in his life, with the possible exception of attending the obsequies of members of his immediate family, Bishop Fallon declared at the outset.
His Lordship began his oration by quoting a portion of the Epistle of St. Paul, which he read during the Mass. Startling to those unacquainted with the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding its priesthood were the remarks of Bishop Fallon. No other person has the three-fold power of creation, redemption and sanctification which the priest possesses, Bishop Fallon declared.
“Power of the Keys”
Quoting from the teachings of the early fathers of the Church, His Lordship showed that from the time of the Apostles, the Catholic priesthood has had the “power of the keys” and their jurisdiction, unlike that of a temporal ruler or prince, extends over the entire world, even to the gates of hell.
Quoting from the teachings of the early fathers of the Church, His Lordship showed that from the time of the Apostles, the Catholic priesthood has had the “power of the keys” and their jurisdiction, unlike that of a temporal ruler or prince, extends over the entire world, even to the gates of hell.
Given at Last Supper
The power of creation was given to the order of the Catholic Priesthood at the Last Supper, when Jesus Christ said: “Do this in commemoration of Me.” The power or redemption was given to the priesthood by Christ at the same time, when the Apostles were given the power to re-enact the Sacrifice of Calvary, in the Mass. The power of sanctification was given when the apostles were empowered to forgive sins of others.
This has been the teaching of the church from the very earliest times, His Lordship declared. He stated that the youngest priest he had ever ordained had just as surely these powers as had the apostles, whose successors the Catholic bishops are. No other person, not even the Blessed Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin, has these powers, His Lordship declared.
Friends for 16 Years
At the conclusion of his explanation of the Catholic priesthood, Bishop Fallon declared that he had to make those remarks to assist him in the task of expressing his tribute to the memory of Dean Downey, whom he first met 16 years ago this month, when the late pastor of St. Alphonsus was his assistant when His Lordship was consecrated Bishop of London.
Following the conclusion of the Requiem Mass, the final absolution was given while the choir sang the “Libera.”
Thousands lined the streets as the solemn procession moved from the church to the cemetery where the brief burial service of the Catholic Church was read as the body of the dean was lowered to its last resting place. Bishop Fallon also presided at the cemetery services.
More than 100 priests from Toronto, Hamilton, London, Buffalo and New York dioceses were present at the funeral, which was one of the largest ever held in the Border Cities. The visiting clergy included five monsignors, as well as scores of priests who are well-known in the Border Cities.
Six priests for many years friends of the late Dean Downey, were active pallbearers. They were: Rev. Fr. Stapleton, Detroit; Rev. Fr. P. J. Howard, CSB, Assumption in Ontario; Rev. Dr. Foley, editor of the Catholic Record, London; and Rev. Fr. Sloan, Buffalo, NY.
Successor is Present
Bishop Fallon, during his tribute to Dean Downey, mentioned that the next pastor of St. Alphonsus church was seated there before him, though the one who is to get the post did not know it. No other indication was given by his Lordship of who the next pastor might be. Of the successor of Dean Downey, Bishop Fallon declared he expected the same loyalty and policies as those of Dean Downey.
The dean was “foolishly loyal” to the Border Cities, Bishop Fallon declared. He said that Dean Downey maintained that Windsor was the best city in the world and that St. Alphonsus was the greatest parish in the world. His Lordship pointed out that if all the citizens of Windsor were to have the same belief, then Windsor might become the greatest city.
Of his loyalty to the bishop, His Lordship had only the highest praise for the late pastor of St. Alphonsus. During the recent trip to Florida together, the dean even cooked the bishop’s meals for him, he declared.
Wealth of Flowers
Scores of flowers tributes from various organizations as well as dozens of spiritual bouquets showed the esteem in which the late Dean Downey was held by all. The flowers came from various Protestant organizations, while the spiritual bouquets were presented for the greater part by Catholics and Catholic organizations.
Other Dioceses Join
Among the monsignors and priests who attended the funeral were: Rt. Rev. Mgsr. Dennis O’Connor, vicar general of London Diocese; Rt. Rev. Mgsr McKeon, London; Rt. Rev. Mgsr Parent, Tilbury; Rt. Rev. Mgsr J. T. Aylward, Sarnia; Rt. Rev. Mgsr M. J. Brady; Rt. Rev. Mgsr Doyle, Chancellor of Detroit Diocese and personal representative of Bishop Gallagher of Detroit; Rev. Frs. John J. White, D. J. Egan, A. M. McHugh, J. A. Loiselle, P. E. McKeon, M. N. Sullivan, Jos. Stapleton, J. B. Neville, C. J. Sloan, O.M.I., F. J. Brennan, M. Baillargeon, J. G. LaBelle, F. A. McArdle, D. L. Dillon, C.S.B., Vincent U. Oulnan, C.S.B., M. J. Pickett, C.S.B., P. J. Howard, C.S.B., T. J. Ferguson, Brantford; M. J. Fallon, J. Paquette, F. X. Laurendeau, G. L. Blonde, A. A. Rondot, F. G. Powell, W. J. Langlois, J. T. Foley, D.D., William A. Brennan, C.S.S.R., J. H. O’Neil, I. Poisson, John Parker, T. V. Moyland, C.S.B., E. Burns, C.S.B., J. R. Quigley, J. R. Ducharme, J. A. Finn, W. E. Dillon, Theodore J. Valentin, L. W. Power, J. V. Tobin, F. McCarthy, P. Langlois, P. L’Heureux, H. T. Fallon, J. A. Mackesy and J. F. Andrewjeski.
The power of creation was given to the order of the Catholic Priesthood at the Last Supper, when Jesus Christ said: “Do this in commemoration of Me.” The power or redemption was given to the priesthood by Christ at the same time, when the Apostles were given the power to re-enact the Sacrifice of Calvary, in the Mass. The power of sanctification was given when the apostles were empowered to forgive sins of others.
This has been the teaching of the church from the very earliest times, His Lordship declared. He stated that the youngest priest he had ever ordained had just as surely these powers as had the apostles, whose successors the Catholic bishops are. No other person, not even the Blessed Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin, has these powers, His Lordship declared.
Friends for 16 Years
At the conclusion of his explanation of the Catholic priesthood, Bishop Fallon declared that he had to make those remarks to assist him in the task of expressing his tribute to the memory of Dean Downey, whom he first met 16 years ago this month, when the late pastor of St. Alphonsus was his assistant when His Lordship was consecrated Bishop of London.
Following the conclusion of the Requiem Mass, the final absolution was given while the choir sang the “Libera.”
Thousands lined the streets as the solemn procession moved from the church to the cemetery where the brief burial service of the Catholic Church was read as the body of the dean was lowered to its last resting place. Bishop Fallon also presided at the cemetery services.
More than 100 priests from Toronto, Hamilton, London, Buffalo and New York dioceses were present at the funeral, which was one of the largest ever held in the Border Cities. The visiting clergy included five monsignors, as well as scores of priests who are well-known in the Border Cities.
Six priests for many years friends of the late Dean Downey, were active pallbearers. They were: Rev. Fr. Stapleton, Detroit; Rev. Fr. P. J. Howard, CSB, Assumption in Ontario; Rev. Dr. Foley, editor of the Catholic Record, London; and Rev. Fr. Sloan, Buffalo, NY.
Successor is Present
Bishop Fallon, during his tribute to Dean Downey, mentioned that the next pastor of St. Alphonsus church was seated there before him, though the one who is to get the post did not know it. No other indication was given by his Lordship of who the next pastor might be. Of the successor of Dean Downey, Bishop Fallon declared he expected the same loyalty and policies as those of Dean Downey.
The dean was “foolishly loyal” to the Border Cities, Bishop Fallon declared. He said that Dean Downey maintained that Windsor was the best city in the world and that St. Alphonsus was the greatest parish in the world. His Lordship pointed out that if all the citizens of Windsor were to have the same belief, then Windsor might become the greatest city.
Of his loyalty to the bishop, His Lordship had only the highest praise for the late pastor of St. Alphonsus. During the recent trip to Florida together, the dean even cooked the bishop’s meals for him, he declared.
Wealth of Flowers
Scores of flowers tributes from various organizations as well as dozens of spiritual bouquets showed the esteem in which the late Dean Downey was held by all. The flowers came from various Protestant organizations, while the spiritual bouquets were presented for the greater part by Catholics and Catholic organizations.
Other Dioceses Join
Among the monsignors and priests who attended the funeral were: Rt. Rev. Mgsr. Dennis O’Connor, vicar general of London Diocese; Rt. Rev. Mgsr McKeon, London; Rt. Rev. Mgsr Parent, Tilbury; Rt. Rev. Mgsr J. T. Aylward, Sarnia; Rt. Rev. Mgsr M. J. Brady; Rt. Rev. Mgsr Doyle, Chancellor of Detroit Diocese and personal representative of Bishop Gallagher of Detroit; Rev. Frs. John J. White, D. J. Egan, A. M. McHugh, J. A. Loiselle, P. E. McKeon, M. N. Sullivan, Jos. Stapleton, J. B. Neville, C. J. Sloan, O.M.I., F. J. Brennan, M. Baillargeon, J. G. LaBelle, F. A. McArdle, D. L. Dillon, C.S.B., Vincent U. Oulnan, C.S.B., M. J. Pickett, C.S.B., P. J. Howard, C.S.B., T. J. Ferguson, Brantford; M. J. Fallon, J. Paquette, F. X. Laurendeau, G. L. Blonde, A. A. Rondot, F. G. Powell, W. J. Langlois, J. T. Foley, D.D., William A. Brennan, C.S.S.R., J. H. O’Neil, I. Poisson, John Parker, T. V. Moyland, C.S.B., E. Burns, C.S.B., J. R. Quigley, J. R. Ducharme, J. A. Finn, W. E. Dillon, Theodore J. Valentin, L. W. Power, J. V. Tobin, F. McCarthy, P. Langlois, P. L’Heureux, H. T. Fallon, J. A. Mackesy and J. F. Andrewjeski.
Schmitt’s Mass Sung
During the funeral services at St. Alphonsus Church, the choir under the direction of Miss Regina Federer sang Schmitt’s Requiem Mass, one of the most solemn requiem compositions known, which includes several solo parts taken by various members of the choir. “Miseremini Mei” was sung by a quartet composed by Mrs. Vincent Fenech, Mrs. M. J. Wallace, L. J. Lafontaine and Frank Howarth.
During the funeral services at St. Alphonsus Church, the choir under the direction of Miss Regina Federer sang Schmitt’s Requiem Mass, one of the most solemn requiem compositions known, which includes several solo parts taken by various members of the choir. “Miseremini Mei” was sung by a quartet composed by Mrs. Vincent Fenech, Mrs. M. J. Wallace, L. J. Lafontaine and Frank Howarth.
The route of the
procession from the church to St. Alphonsus cemetery was as follows: South of
Goyeau street from Park to Wyandotte; west on Wyandotte to Ouellette avenue;
south on Ouellette to Giles boulevard; east on Giles to Howard avenue and then
south on Howard to the cemetery.
Friends View Body
All day Monday, as on Sunday afternoon and evening, an endless stream of friends of the late Dean Downey passed by his body as it lay in state in front of the main altar in St. Alphonsus Church. Yesterday afternoon, pupils at the Joan of Arc School marched in a body to the church where the children recited prayers for the repose of the soul of Dean Downey.
Last night the church was crowded to capacity when prayers for the dead were recited at 8 o’clock. During the prayers, Miss Pearl Peltier, violin soloist, played Massenet’s “Elegy.” Dr. E. N. Dion, a member of the choir sang the “Pater Noster” and a mixed double quartet gave “Pia Jesu.”
Prayers in Polish
One of the most touching tributes to the late Dean Downey was paid last night by over 200 members of the Church of the Holy Trinity, who marched in a body from their parish to St. Alphonsus Church where prayers for the dead were recited in Polish. Rev. Fr. John F. Andrewjeski, pastor of Holy Trinity, was at the head of his parishioners and led them in the recitation of the beads.
Knights of Columbus, following the services for parishioners of St. Alphonsus, attended the church in a body last night, where they also recited prayers for the repose of the soul of Dean Downey, who was a past chaplain of Windsor Council, No. 1453 Knights of Columbus and at the time of his death was faithful friar of Dean Wagner Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus.
Children Pack Church
Separate school children of the Border Cities packed St. Alphonsus Church to the doors this morning at 8 o’clock, when a special Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Fr. J. E. Pageau, assistant to the late Dean Downey and at present in charge of the parish.
From the time that the body of the late dean was taken from the rectory to the church Sunday afternoon, not a minute elapsed day or night when people were not in the church. The day time was divided into two-hour intervals during which the members of the various Holy Name Society branches in the Border Cities stood vigil over the body. Sunday night, members of the Holy Name Society of St. Alphonsus stood vigil and last night from 10 o’clock until 8 this morning, members of the St. Clare’s Church Holy Name Society kept the death watch.
The children of the Roman Catholic schools of the Border Cities lined the streets from the church to the cemetery. In charge of the Sisters and teachers the different classes were lined along Ouellette avenue and Giles boulevard. As the procession passed the children stood at attention.
Clergy and Leading Citizens Form Guard of Honor at Funeral
Friends View Body
All day Monday, as on Sunday afternoon and evening, an endless stream of friends of the late Dean Downey passed by his body as it lay in state in front of the main altar in St. Alphonsus Church. Yesterday afternoon, pupils at the Joan of Arc School marched in a body to the church where the children recited prayers for the repose of the soul of Dean Downey.
Last night the church was crowded to capacity when prayers for the dead were recited at 8 o’clock. During the prayers, Miss Pearl Peltier, violin soloist, played Massenet’s “Elegy.” Dr. E. N. Dion, a member of the choir sang the “Pater Noster” and a mixed double quartet gave “Pia Jesu.”
Prayers in Polish
One of the most touching tributes to the late Dean Downey was paid last night by over 200 members of the Church of the Holy Trinity, who marched in a body from their parish to St. Alphonsus Church where prayers for the dead were recited in Polish. Rev. Fr. John F. Andrewjeski, pastor of Holy Trinity, was at the head of his parishioners and led them in the recitation of the beads.
Knights of Columbus, following the services for parishioners of St. Alphonsus, attended the church in a body last night, where they also recited prayers for the repose of the soul of Dean Downey, who was a past chaplain of Windsor Council, No. 1453 Knights of Columbus and at the time of his death was faithful friar of Dean Wagner Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus.
Children Pack Church
Separate school children of the Border Cities packed St. Alphonsus Church to the doors this morning at 8 o’clock, when a special Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Fr. J. E. Pageau, assistant to the late Dean Downey and at present in charge of the parish.
From the time that the body of the late dean was taken from the rectory to the church Sunday afternoon, not a minute elapsed day or night when people were not in the church. The day time was divided into two-hour intervals during which the members of the various Holy Name Society branches in the Border Cities stood vigil over the body. Sunday night, members of the Holy Name Society of St. Alphonsus stood vigil and last night from 10 o’clock until 8 this morning, members of the St. Clare’s Church Holy Name Society kept the death watch.
The children of the Roman Catholic schools of the Border Cities lined the streets from the church to the cemetery. In charge of the Sisters and teachers the different classes were lined along Ouellette avenue and Giles boulevard. As the procession passed the children stood at attention.
Clergy and Leading Citizens Form Guard of Honor at Funeral
Under Photo
Thousands stood in silence as the casket bearing the remains of the late Very Rev. Dean D. J. Downey, pastor of St. Alphonsus Church, was carried to the hearse from the church following the conclusion of Solemn Requiem Mass sung in the Church at 10 o’clock by His Lordship, Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London.
Thousands stood in silence as the casket bearing the remains of the late Very Rev. Dean D. J. Downey, pastor of St. Alphonsus Church, was carried to the hearse from the church following the conclusion of Solemn Requiem Mass sung in the Church at 10 o’clock by His Lordship, Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London.
Clergy from the dioceses of London, Toronto, Hamilton, Detroit and Buffalo and prominent Border Cities’ residents formed a guard of honor along the sides of the centre aisle of the church and out to the curb where the photo above shows the casket being placed in the hearse. The lower picture shows Bishop Fallon at the cemetery.
Bishop Fallon’s Tribute to the Late Dean Downey
The following words of tribute to the late Dean Downey were uttered by Rt. Rev. M.F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London, during the funeral oration at St. Alphonsus church this morning. They followed a beautiful explanation of the Catholic priesthood, what it means, and the power possessed by the priests. He chose as his text, “The Priest is Another Christ,” and had just concluded speaking of the order of the Catholic Priesthood when he uttered the following tribute to the late pastor of St. Alphonsus:
“I find what I have to do today one of the hardest things I have ever had to do outside of my own family in my life. One of that order of men that I have just described so poorly, so unfittingly—and I want you to fill in, as you can, the vision—one of that order of men lived in this city for almost twenty-five years. He worked first in this parish, and then he developed a church in the east end by the building up of the Immaculate Conception parish. Then he returned here. He has been at that work for twenty-five years. He was not a pushing man. He never sought grace in the public eye. I, who knew him well, know that he had really no ambitions except to serve his people. Then, in the twinkling of an eye, without any warning, save to a few who knew his condition, he passed from all his activities, from this world into the next.
“Now, will you follow me, my brethren—brethren of all creeds, of all nationalities—will you follow me in what happened instantaneously? Little children met each other in the street and they said, ‘Father Downey is dead.’ The did not speak the inward thoughts of their minds. The inward thoughts were, he was a friend of mine; he loved me. Many times, he patted me on the shoulder and said, well done. The thought the children expressed was, ‘Father Downey is dead.’
“Men—parishioners, Catholics of this district—heard the sad news. They never stopped to analyze what was in their own minds. One said to the other, ‘Dean Downey is dead;’ and they went about their way, carrying in their minds the story as they saw it, the picture as they knew it, of an activity of twenty-five years. One man said, he worked hard. He was always about and amongst his people. He gave us everything that was in him. Another said, he was very kind to the poor; and misery met sympathy; and those in trial got his support; and there was never a good cause that made an appeal to him in vain.
“His non-Catholic fellow citizens—and I want to thank them in a more particular way than I am thanking my own people for what has been the understanding they have given to his life. Non-Catholics met and said, ‘Dean Downey is Dead! Yes, it is too bad.’ And, without any further discussion they went their way. But one said to himself, he was a good citizen. Whenever any civic cause called him, we knew he was there. Another one said, he helped in all municipal and local works of charity, of kindness and goodness.
“The peculiar thing that I see here is that no one said, ‘He was a marvelous organizer; he was a wonderful orator; he was a startling figure, always in the foreground.’ Nobody said that. It would not have been true, and everybody spoke the truth. But the various sentences that were uttered by all those various people, the little children, his own people, his fellow-citizens, worked out an extraordinary tribute to his blessed memory.
“That, I think, is enough. No, it is not quite. His successor is sitting here this morning. I know it. He does not. And I want to say to him that I want the people of St. Alphonsus Parish, the people of this City of Windsor, to get the same kind of service, unbroken as has been given to the City of Windsor for twenty-five years by him in whose honor you revere and mourn this morning. I want the same kind of service! I want no change at all! And that will be satisfactory, because the little children will be attended to and their education advanced; the poor will be attended to. Those who are in trouble will be looked after.
“He wore out his heart running up and down the stairs of his rectory during the last three or four years, and he wore it out against my protest; he wore it out coming up and down to see those who came, who asked for advice, for guidance, for sympathy, for help. And perhaps that is a good way in which to wear out one’s heart.
“I want, likewise, the same broad sympathy to be shown towards this border district and the City of Windsor particularly by his successor. There are a number of representative men of the Border Cities here. I know them. I will tell you, you never had a more loyal citizen; you never had a man who was prouder of this district. He was, perhaps, foolishly proud of it. St. Alphonsus Parish was the best in the North American Continent—Windsor the best city in the world. I think I might say without giving offence that Windsor is not the best city in the world. But, if every citizen in Windsor had the same single-minded devotion towards its interest that Dean Downey had it might easily become the best city in the world.
“What personal loss I have met with does not matter. I suppose, to anybody except myself; but I must say this, and I will not go, I trust, beyond what is proper: Fifteen years ago—it will be sixteen years on the 24th of this month—Father Downey met me for the first time in London. He was my assistant the next morning when I was consecrated Bishop of this diocese. The friendship established then was unbroken. In those sixteen years, on the many occasions that I came to this city, whatever might have been my business, he met me at the railway station and he brought me to his own rectory in the Immaculate Conception and then to his rectory here. And, my brethren, like a little child of ten or twelve, was his reverence for his Bishop. It was a startling thing to me. He waited on me hand and foot; and it is only—I think this ought to be known to his people—last winter in Florida he cooked my breakfast every morning. We were living alone, in that way. He cooked my breakfast. He made me sit down to it and carried things warm from the kitchen and put them there before me. I said once, ‘Dean, I am humiliated that you should be doing this.’ He said, ‘Why shouldn’t I? I like it.’
“During those sixteen years he brought me down to the station, and it was always with a cheerful wave of his hand and a kindly smile that he said, ‘Well, I will see you soon in London, or you will soon be back.’ The last time he took me down to the train, three weeks ago, he said the same thing. ‘You will soon be back, or I will soon be down to see you.’ So that, we may all join, I think, in feeling that there has been a great loss come into our midst. The people of Windsor have lost a good citizen; the people of St. Alphonsus Parish have lost a loyal and devoted priest; the priests of this diocese have lost a companion and a colleague that will do them no harm to look up to, and upon whose general outlines they might well form their own careers; the church has lost a priest of unbroken loyalty, constant service and a kindliness beyond words.
“May I now ask you, dearly beloved brethren, all of you, to join with me in the last blessing, this final absolution in the church where he so often served himself, where he performed so frequently this sacred rite, may I now ask all of you to join with me, at least, in this common prayer:
“Eternal rest given unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him; and may his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
Orderly But Tense Crowd Waits for Service in ChurcH
No Race or Denominational Barriers at Dean Downey’s Funeral Rites as Thousands Gather to Do Him Honor
Laid to Rest But Spirit of Priest Lives On; Age and Youth Alike Recall His Goodness as Bell Tolls Note of Sorrow Across City
by W. L. Clark
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St. Alphonsus Church |
Live Forever in Minds
It is only the
physical shell of the dead dean that rests so still in the grave on Howard
avenue. The soul of the beloved pastor has departed to partake of the joys that
have been merited by him in heaven.
There is a great solace for those who are left behind to grieve the departure of their spiritual leader. That is the fragrant memory of his life that remains so fresh and sweet in the minds of those to whom he so long and so painstakingly ministered. The dean will never die. He will live forever in the memories of his parishioners. By his deeds they will remember him. The spirit of the dead pastor will always remain to guide them in their works. They will not forget his goodness. They cannot.
People Gather Early
Early this
morning, the people began to congregate on Park street east in front of St.
Alphonsus Church. The heartsick parishioners of the late Dean Downey wanted to
pay their last respects to the man who had done so much for them as their
It was a quiet throng. It was also a varied throng. There were white people and black people; there were French people and English people; there were fashionably dressed folk and there were those whose clothes had survived the wear and tear of seasons long since passed; there were Roman Catholics and there were Protestants; there were prominent business men and there were day laborers; there were old citizens who had lived here all their lives, and there were other citizens who had only recently come to the Border Cities; there were men and women who had passed the three score years and ten mark, and there were young boys and girls; they had all assembled for the one purpose. That was to honor the late dean.
It was a quiet throng. It was also a varied throng. There were white people and black people; there were French people and English people; there were fashionably dressed folk and there were those whose clothes had survived the wear and tear of seasons long since passed; there were Roman Catholics and there were Protestants; there were prominent business men and there were day laborers; there were old citizens who had lived here all their lives, and there were other citizens who had only recently come to the Border Cities; there were men and women who had passed the three score years and ten mark, and there were young boys and girls; they had all assembled for the one purpose. That was to honor the late dean.
To Reserved Places
Long before the time that it had been announced that the doors would be thrown open to the public, there were thousands of people waiting for the chance to enter. The honorary pall-bearers came, were recognized and ushered through the aisle held open by the police and firemen. The doors swung open and those who had their places reserved would be swallowed up in the great church.
From outside, the people could catch an occasional glimpse of the altar with its lights. There was not one person who did not want to get in. Yet, no one attempted to storm the doors and force an entrance past the two policemen who stood as silent sentinels at the portals. It was a quiet crowd.
Finally, the doors were opened. People who had stood for hours on the steps leading to the building made their way quickly into the auditorium. There was not the excitement and crush that is so evident in many crowds. This morning the people were held in check by themselves. Each individual knew that to be noisy, to push or to be disorderly would be the last thing the dean would have wished. Therefore, it was a quiet crowd.
Women Feel Strain
Though the huge crowd about the church doors was orderly and well handled by Sergeant Jones and his men, it was rather strenuous, especially for women who were determined to enter. Women with small children in arms were in the throng, but several gave up the cause before the doors were finally swung open and the crowds surged past the officers until the church was crowded to the doors.
One woman who had found the crush too strenuous expressed consolation in the fact that “it would be all in the paper tonight, anyway.”
Nothing marred the impressive ceremony, and the eager crowds were handled. After the church was filled, Chief Clarence DeFields and police officers reopened restricted areas in front of the church.
Some of the honorary pall-bearers were late. They were disappointed at first. But provision had been made for the late-comers. They were ushered around to the little door on the west side of the church. From there, they were allowed by the policeman on guard to enter and make their way to appointed places.
Prepared for Ordeal
Sharp on the stroke of ten, the bell in the church tower tolled out its doleful note. As it sounded resonantly over the city, Bishop Fallon left the rectory accompanied by Father Forestal. Although the bishop was just one of the closest friends, he walked across the few short yards to the west door of the church with firm strides. He had mastered his emotion and was prepared for the ordeal that faced him.
Following the bishop and his priest came some of the more intimate friends of the late dean. They entered through the west door. The crowd outside watched in sympathy in quiet.
No Flowers in Church
It had always been a custom of the late dean that flowers should not be allowed to detract the attention of the people during funeral services. He did not like to see flowers in the forefront. In keeping with this custom, and, therefore the wishes of the dead pastor, the flowers were taken from the rectory directly to a car. They were not placed inside the church. The funeral of the dean was carried out exactly as it is thought he would have wished it.
It seemed as though the bishop had hardly entered when the solemn musical note of the requiem mass floated out through the opened doorway to the people who stood in silent reverence on the street. That music impressed the people. Even though they could not hear the words of the service, they could follow.
By 11 o’clock the street was lined with mourners. Inside the church some 2, 500 people had packed themselves. Every available nook and cranny of the huge auditorium was used. Outside, other thousands had gathered for the last sad farewell.
None Makes Protest
The crowd was amenable to discipline. Firemen and police roped off the entrance. No one made any protest. Never was there a crowd that has been so easily handled. Shortly before the service closed a troop of Boy Scouts came out and formed a guard of honor from the church door to the hearse and beyond up Park street. The dean had always been a strong support of the scouts and his troop was there to do him the last honor possible.
At the rear of the church people went in and listened to the sermon through the doorways leading to the rooms at the back. At each of these there was a little knot of men and women standing on tip-toe and straining every ear to catch the words of the bishop and the services. They could not see, perhaps. But they could hear. That was better than nothing.
Not only were the people thronged on the street outside St. Alphonsus, but in surrounding houses each window had its little group of anxious spectators. On the roof of the Prince Edward Hotel men and women had gathered so that they, too, might get a chance of seeing the dean leave his church for the last time.
When the service ended, the crowd closed in on the entrance. Care was taken not to overstep the bounds laid down by the cordon of police. Men bared their heads and women stood in silence as the coffin was borne to the hearse.
From the little door at the west side of the church, Bishop Fallon made his exit. With a blue overcoat thrown over his shoulders to protect him from the chill breeze, he stepped quickly across to the rectory. The door was locked. The accompanying priest knocked. There was no response. The priest went around the verandah to the side. The bishop pulled the coat up tightly round his throat and stood waiting patiently. After about a minute the door opened and the bishop entered the rectory, to prepare for the drive to the cemetery.
Some two thousand people attended the burial service at the cemetery. Early this morning, a few started to put in their appearance at the graveside. By the time the cortege arrive at half-past twelve, close to two thousand mourners had gathered round the priests’ circle at the parochial cemetery of St. Alphonsus.
There are only three other graves in the Priests’ circle. The tall, severe plain cross in the centre cast its shadow over the little circle as the funeral procession drew near. The new grave was bordered with green, and flowers flanked its sides. Care had been taken to provide for the mourners. All round the grave were strips of cocoanut matting. These kept the people from trampling in the fresh spring mud.
Carried by Priests
Just at half-past twelve, the hearse halted at the entrance to the plot. The casket was carried to the grave by chosen priests. Then encircled by priests from all parts of the province and by the relatives and friends of the late pastor, Bishop Fallon conducted the last rites at the grave side.
Although quivering with the emotional strain, the bishop recited the burial service in a voice that was firm and clear. The people joined in the responses. The ceremony was awe-inspiring. The people were saying farewell to their beloved leader.
But it is only the earthly body of Dean Downey that lies in the Howard avenue cemetery. His soul has gone to its reward. His memory will ever linger as one of the bright spots in many lives.
Rev. Fr. Francis P. White, at present pastor of the Roman Catholic Church at Dublin, Perth County, Ont., and one of the best-known priests in London Diocese, has been appointed successor to the late Very Rev. Dean D. J. Downey, as pastor of St. Alphonsus Church, Windsor. Rt. Rev. M.F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London, announced exclusively to The Border Cities Star this afternoon.
Fr. White was ordained in 1904 at St. Peter’s Cathedral, London, by the late Rt. Rev. Bishop McEvay. Since his ordination, Fr. White has served five years in St. Peter’s Cathedral, London; two years at Port Lambton, Ont.; 12 years at St. Columban, Ont., the birthplace of the late Dean Downey, and for the past three years has been stationed at Dublin.
The new pastor of St. Alphonsus is a graduate of the University of Detroit, Assumption College, Sandwich, and the Grand Seminary, Montreal.
The announcement of the appointment of Fr. White was made to The Border Cities Star as a personal tribute to The Star from His Lordship because of the manner in which The Star reported the death of the late Dean Downey, His Lordship stated.
Late Dean Always Keen Baseball Fan
Navin Field, the home of the Detroit Tigers, this afternoon missed the presence of one who for many years had never failed to attend the opening baseball game of the year.
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Detroit Tigers' opening game was spring ritual for Dennis J. Downey |
The late Very Rev.
Dean D. J. Downey, pastor of St. Alphonsus Church, whose funeral was held this
morning, was a staunch baseball fan and rarely missed an opening game. Many
times each summer the dean attended the games at Navin Field and when he was
unable to spare the time, listened to the games sent over the radio. When his
most intimate friend, Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London, visited
the Border Cities during the warm months, His Lordship often accompanied the
dean to the games at Navin Field.
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